Tricked Trout

Who needs weekends?

I couldn't help myself and as the clock struck 4:35 today I decided to put work on the shelf for a while and go fishing. I made my way back to the local creek, Chloe along for the adventure yet again.

We were successful, but there are no pictures to show for it. As I've noted in the past, Chloe does not make for much of a fishing companion. She spends her time exploring the surroundings, including nice looking fishing holes. On top of that, she definitely wants to play with a fish as you're bringing it to hand. All that flopping in the water is just too much for her and she needs to investigate.

As it turns out, landing a fish while yelling at, and attempting to restrain, your dog is something of an effort. Adding photography to the list of chores proved impossible.

You didn't miss much though. I only fished for a few minutes and I landed just one dirty-looking rainbow. It was bigger than the other fish I'd seen in the creek, but still only 12 inches or so. It did have plenty of friends though. I'm sure I could have caught plenty more --- they don't look overly picky --- but I tangled my leader in the fuss of landing the first one and ended up calling it quits rather than re-tie the rig. After all, I know the fish are there and doubt they'll be going anywhere between now and the next time I can get back to the creek.

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