Tricked Trout

I'm just back from a dog walk. I took Chloe down the big hill towards the creek that's a half-mile from my home. I'd noticed a fish in there when I was walking with the wife on Sunday and wanted to double-check and make sure that I'd seen things correctly. Sure enough, there are fish in that creek.

Uh-oh! There goes work.

So, I'm all happy about this and I walk back up the hill. At about the mid-way point home I come across my mailman. Now, I know the guy, but only enough to wave or say, "Hello". But this time he hops out of his van and says, "Were you down by the creek looking at the fish?". I responded in the affirmative, but he must have noticed the puzzled look on my face because he explained, "I see the magazines you get. I figured you might have been checking it out." He then proceeds to tell me all about the trout in the creek.

Among other things... They stocked this weekend. They used to stock more, but people have been posting their property so he thinks they give it less attention now. The nearby park has good access. And there are some ways to weave in and out of the posted water down by the old mill. That's probably the best spot. Oh, and hardly anyone ever fishes it because few people know that it holds decent fish. And it holds them all year long.

Frankly, it was an awesome treasure trove of info. I'm not sure when I'll be able to put it to use --- tonight or tomorrow, that is --- but I surely will. And soon.

And it just goes to show you, that the postman knows all sorts of crap about you. Hopefully he uses his powers for good, like mine did.

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